
  • Nolan McFarland posted an update 6 years ago

    But knowing exactly what is behind your children’s mini meltdown may go a long way in assisting you to diffuse the situation – while keeping your sanity!

    toddler discipline develops at a slower rate than their psychological abilities, and consequently they are not able to articulate effectively what it is that they want or desire.

    Think about how frustrating it must be not to be able to make yourself known!

    Lots of empathy and reassurance would be the very best methods for dealing with frustration-type temper tantrums and educate your child that they can come to you whenever they want support or assistance.


    Tiredness is another frequent reason for temper tantrums in young children.

    I know from experience that it can be tempting to let your child skip their daytime nap if you’re busy and have places to visit and things to do.

    But if your child is used to getting a little snooze throughout the day, depriving them of it generally results in a single grouchy, miserable little camper!

    Try to factor in some time to allow them to break each day and you need to find they’re less likely to fly off the handle at the slightest little thing!


    Watching your child develop out of a small baby who is determined by you to do everything for them to an independent toddler is intriguing and highly rewarding. However, it often includes a whole new set of challenges!

    Now you are handling an autonomous little individual who understands their own mind and has very firm opinions on what they do and don’t want. Cue several temper tantrums which involve a battle of wills between them and you!

    In such situations, I have found that it can be helpful if you let your child feel that they’re in control.

    For example, rather than struggling to make them wear a coat, give them of selection of 2 and let them decide which they wish to wear. Your toddler feels like they have been part of this decision-making procedure and have gotten their particular way – though you know differently!


    A final common source of toddler temper tantrums is to find attention.

    Young kids crave attention from you, and it matters not to them whether it’s negative or positive.

    Should you suspect your furry friend is playing up only to evoke a response from you, maintain your reactions to a minimal. Rather, shower them with praise and recognition for positive behaviour and hopefully they will soon come to understand that being naughty doesn’t get them the results they want.

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